
Jateng Fair
at PRPP Marina

Annual showcases of Central Java Promotions and Development. It's held between June and July.

Semarang Fair
Jalan Sriwijaya no 29 Semarang

Visit this annual which showcases various cultural entertainment. It is held every July.

Semarang is the hosts of some universities/colleges. Diponegoro University is the state university. It is the biggest and the oldest university with good reputed faculty of law, economics, medicine, architecture, engineering, fisheries etc. It hosts more than 10 thousand students in its two campus, Pleburan in the downtown and Tembalang in the southern hilly part of Semarang. Islamic University of Sultan Agung and Catholic University of Soegijapranata are major private universities in Semarang.

Jaran Sampo
Tay Kak Sie and Sam Po Kong Temples

Attend the biggest ceremony of the Chinese community in Java, featuring a colourful procession and dances of decorated horses and 'liong' dragon

For business travelers, Semarang is a transit city where you only have a chance to see Semarang's bustling activities from a taxi or a hotel's window.

Semarang is also an industrial city. Many companies have opened their manufacturing plants in the eastern, western and southern parts of Semarang. For a foreigner who wants to work in Semarang, this is a good place because of its landscape. You can live in the hilly and considerably cooler housing area in Candi or Bukit Sari while you work in the downtown area. Traffic jams is considered to be fewer than in Bandung or Surabaya. For visitors from Jakarta, driving a car in Semarang is "heaven" for its many fewer traffic jams compared with Jakarta.

Semarang is the home of the biggest "Jamu" means "javanese traditional herbal" industry such as Jamu Jago, Nyonya Meneer and others.

Most of Jakarta's major banks and companies have opened branches in Semarang. For its relatively close vicinity with Jakarta only 40 minutes by plane and 6 hours by train, making Semarang enjoy its status as a major hub in Java island.

Semawis Night Market
Gg. Warung, Chinatown

Weekly night market, during Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. You could walk along the Gang Warung, and enjoy the hawker style local food, also some souvenir from semarang. There's also annual, larger Semawis Market before the Chinese New Year. Check the website for more information.

Wayang Orang Ngesti Pandowo
Jalan Pemuda

Watch Javanese theatrical performances

Dug Der Festival
Johar, kota lama, polder tawang

Annual festival, one week before fasting month, or puasa. The name is derved from the sound of Bedug Dug, and Bamboo Canon Der. At the end of the festival there's "Ngarak Warak", means procession to brings Warak across the city's main street normally from the Mayor's office to the Johar Market. Warak is a mythology animal, part giraffe, part lion, part chinese dragon, part horse part bird. It's the icon of the festival. You could buy the toy on the festival, normally these warak will be laying an egg, thus the name "Warak Ngendog".